It is very interesting in what constitutes a habit here. Generally in our world as we do certain things or actions we see that there is a direct result. A person gets used to something, becomes accustomed to it and thereby is really used to it. This means he is used to that particular thing; it’s there, it’s his, and he has contact with it. There are a thousand and one things that we are used to and have become comfortable with even though perhaps in the beginning, we weren’t. We became easy with them for no reason other than that they became habit. When we repeat an act or have the same reaction, or taste the same flavors, by that we become accustomed to it...
"Through accustoming oneself to some thing, that thing becomes second nature for that person."
This is what Baal HaSulam writes. Meaning, we, evidently, can change any trait of our character or anything else that already exists within us; also, we can, evidently, acquire and incorporate into ourselves that which does not exist within us. We can do this through the means of certain daily, simple, repetitive actions that will ensure that this property or action turns into a habit.