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148. The Scrutiny of Bitter and Sweet, True and False
I heard
There is a discernment of “bitter and sweet,” and there is a discernment of “true and false.” The discernment of “true and false” is in the mind, and the discernment of “bitter and sweet” is in the heart. This is why we must pay attention to the work in the heart, to be in the form of bestowal and not in the form of reception.
By nature, only reception is sweet to man, and bestowal is bitter. And the work—to turn reception into bestowal—is called “the work in the heart.”
In the mind, the work is of “true and false.” And for this, we need to work in faith, meaning believe in faith in the sages. This is so because the worker cannot clarify the matter of “true and false” to himself.