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Finding the Creator Within, lessons

Article "Finding the Creator Within" - Talk 2

Until now we learned about the training in cultivating the soul, meaning, how the soul grows. We experienced many years of evolution and many incarnations in the past that we don’t know of. Kabbalists tell us that we evolve from life to life and reincarnate, and in that we improve in our awareness, in sensation, somewhat in our inner evolution. And finally, in one of the incarnations, we suddenly awaken with a question, “From where did I receive my life?” The question, “From where did I receive my life?” indicates the root that is above life and a deficiency that suddenly awakens in me to connect to this root...

Article "Finding the Creator Within" - Talk 1

What is Baal HaSulam telling us here? To the extent that man controls nature, the laws of nature, by correctly using them for himself, to that extent he measures his life, his essence, and his status, both in our world, as well as in the spiritual world. Meaning, he has to know where he is, the kind of laws that operate on him, how he can operate them for his own benefit. Is it really for his own benefit?...

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