Foreword. An ancient prayer says: "Lord! Give me strength to change the things I can change, give me courage to accept the things I cannot change, and grant me wisdom to know the difference." So what exactly can we influence in our life? Do we possess enough freedom to change our life and destiny? Why can't we naturally obtain this wisdom?
Four Factors. Each created being is determined by four factors. Creation is characterized by four parameters. Its past, present and future, its every part and property are based only on these parameters. 1. The basis is a primary material of a particular being, from which it emerged.
We understand now that we are in the power of the four developmental factors. Our essence is everyone's original desire, his part of the common soul, which remains unchanged. We have to achieve complete correction of this part. The common soul split into many fragments and every one of us constitutes a particle in that common soul.
In Spiritual Life there is a Law: "The Majority Follows the Individual". Because the entire world is created as a pyramid, there are few people with great egoism. This was done on purpose, to balance all forces (if not by quantity, then by quality). There should not be too many strong people. Let us for example take a group of ten people. Suppose, the strength of each individuals equals 100kg.