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Chapter 12. Reflections and Thoughts

Does the Creator Exist?

Before one begins to study Kabbalah, one must answer the question, “Does the Creator exist?” Otherwise, how is it possible to search for contact and unification with something that does not exist?..

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Does the Creator Have a Body?

Prophets who can contact the Creator say that He doesn’t have a body, or size or image. Thus, they shatter all the common concepts about the Creator. Yet, idioms such as “the hand of the Creator,” “under the foot of the Creator” are abundant. How do you explain it?..

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Pharaoh and the Creator are Equal

Who is the Creator really, if Pharaoh had priests capable of doing what Moses did and even more? If I possess the same powers and I have everything – then how can I know that your God is better?..

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What should I Remember?

What is the most important thing that a person should keep in mind throughout one’s life?..

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The Origin of Sin

Researchers found that genes determine character. Therefore, how can a person be blamed for one’s sins; after all, they are committed without any freedom of choice?..

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I or He

What’s greater than I?..

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Learn From Sin

Is there a correction for a person who has been a sinner all one’s life?..

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War in the Spiritual World

You once mentioned a war or a battle in the spiritual world, but never explained what you meant. Can you explain it now?..

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The Righteous are the First to Fall

When a whole people degrade, sinking deeper into egoism, the first ones to fall are the best. Why is that so?..

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When Things Close In

What do I do when everyone around me pushes me into the corner… What do they all want from me?..

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Why is suicide considered so terrible in Judaism? If one sees no point in living, why cannot that person choose death? After all, it is known that man cannot tolerate pain, so how does suicide sit with the purpose of creation?..

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Obtain the Picture of Reality

If we feel bad about ourselves and want to be rid of our troubles, can we begin to study Kabbalah?..

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The System of the Universe

What do you mean when you say, “control nature?” Has man ever done that consciously?..

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Why doesn’t man receive this knowledge naturally, like animals?..

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Affecting Nature

What is the connection between ordinary science and Kabbalah? Is the objective of that science to help man better utilize the corporeal laws of nature, as with physics and chemistry, or perhaps even discover new laws?..

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An Answer for a Scientist

I am a scientist. You say that Kabbalah is a science. Is it possible to come to the spiritual world using scientific tools?..

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Is Man’s Origin from the Ape?

At what stage in creation did the ape evolve to become a man?..

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The Demise of a Kabbalist

Why is a Kabbalist who rises in the spiritual world not immune to the torments of this world? When a Kabbalist dies, who takes his place?..

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Is All of Nature Inside Me?

I was always amazed by the versatility of the types of birds, plants, fish, etc. Finally, in one of your lectures, I received understanding. It is all a result of the reciprocal penetration between the Sefirot and the cooperation between them in the spiritual world. My question is: Does man include everything within him, and how is it reflected in me? Is it in the versatility of my emotions?..

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Where is the Soul?

If science can clone people, where then is the Creator, and where is the soul?..

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Life is a Game and We Are All Toys

How do you relate to computerized robots and their reactions to humans?..

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Human Robots In Kabbalah

How can you compare a living human with a mechanism, programmed by nature? In this science of yours, everything boils down to a predetermined behavior. But then, even you speak about feelings, so where is the logic?..

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I have recently stopped eating meat and fish because I think that living creatures (those with a nervous system and a sensation of pain) shouldn’t have to suffer just to serve as my food. But Judaism permits eating fish and animals, and does not see anything negative in it (at least it does not forbid it). Is there a profound meaning to eating meat that is hidden from me?..

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Keeping Fit

If someone does things to strengthen to become more fit for the spiritual work, do these acts become spiritual acts, if that is the purpose of keeping fit?..

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The Corporeal Development and its Purpose

Does one’s physical activity reduce the quality of the spiritual Light?..

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Fashion and Dress – From a Shell and From Holiness

What is the root of fashion, jewelry and cosmetics?..

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The Attitude of Kabbalah to Art is Relative

How do you relate to art?..

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Art and Spirituality

A Kabbalist is a person, who, in all his senses, openly and vividly, lives in the palace of the Creator, just as we live in our world. He can study the acts of the Creator and move and thrive in spiritual worlds...

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Literature and Kabbalah

What do you think of literature in general, and books in particular?..

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What is fantasy in Kabbalah?..

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How can people who did not receive such an outlook from childhood be taught to think the way that Kabbalah teaches?..

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Kabbalistic Music

The songs of Rabbi Baruch Ashlag have really inspired me. Can you explain the place of this music in the study of Kabbalah?..

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Sharing Emotions

Is it good to share what I feel with others?..

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There is No Coercion in Spirituality

I read the Torah, the Zohar and your books. I feel that I’m beginning to understand that these books plant seeds in me. I want to extend that Light to others. But these days, people do not relate to Torah and Kabbalah. How can I persuade them that this is the only real Torah?..

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Children Learning Kabbalah

Is Kabbalah a way to look on life that does not require studying in school or in university?..

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Naming Children

Is it good to give a child a second name? Can this be done when a child is not a baby anymore?..

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Family Disintegration

What will the future connection between men and women be like, and what is the future of the family? Can Kabbalah and spiritual evolution improve it?..

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Spiritual Development

If the meaning of life lies in spiritual elevation, what is the meaning of the lives of billions of people who do not have even one of the 600,000 souls?..

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Correction Through Illness

Who are the mentally ill, and what is their part in the world? What makes people who believe in the existence of the Creator relate to mentally ill people or autistics as “men of God,” as if these are people through whom the Creator speaks? Is there any truth to that?..

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From Suffering to the Goal of Creation

If you believe that everything will happen as you pictured, then you are right. But suffering pushes us to understand, grow wiser, achieve, wish, love, aspire. The suffering we get is not for the pleasures, but is rather strictly selective, in order for us to sense the Creator and become like Him. The purpose is not to be beaten and then be given pleasure for relaxation...

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The Connection Between Our World and the Spiritual World

There are many questions about the connection between the spiritual world and our own. You say different things in different places. If there is no connection between the two worlds, then how is spirituality connected with externally observed Mitzvot?..

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What is Your School of Judaism?

Which school of Judaism do you belong to?..

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Why Only Jews and Men?

The things you say are so right. But I cannot understand this nationalistic differentiation. Why are most of your disciples Jewish and why aren’t there women among them (in the photo), if this science really brings truth?..

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How Can One Feel Responsible?

Can one say that the Jewish people are the Keter of the nations of the world?..

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Pointing at the Problem

Why do you believe you have the right to blame Israel for its misfortunes?..

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Expecting Good Things – Waste of Time

...You have just described how I look in the eyes of society; there is nothing I can do about it. It will only get worse, I know. Everyone will be against Kabbalah, curse it as they now curse the Jews. Then this circle will get smaller. So much the worse for the world, since it will receive even less Light...

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The Critical Mass

More and more people discover Kabbalah, including those who join in through your disciples. Nonetheless, Jewish affairs are only getting worse. I wonder what critical mass of people studying Kabbalah is needed to stabilize the world?..

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Why Did Prophecies Stop?

In biblical times we had many prophets. Then at some point they disappeared. Why?..

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Can one consider liberalism among Jews and non-Jews as a subconscious, and hence distorted, attempt to fulfill the principal commandment of the Torah – "Love thy neighbour…"?

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What is love?..

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A Limited Ability to Act

Does the ability to lead the world necessarily demand purification?..

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The Collective

Can I help others by the study of Kabbalah?..

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Conditional Family

Which is more important, to study the wisdom of Kabbalah, or to be nice to others?..

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The Collective Egoism of Society

Is it not enough to not steal and curse and be kind to one another?..

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A New Approach to Welfare

The question,” How can I help the world?” bothers me all the time. Should I use Kabbalah for that?..

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The Only Peace

To what extent can the study of Kabbalah change the world around us?..

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