A true and lasting economic improvement depends on changing human relations
Key Points
The economy is a reflection of our social relations. Hence, the crisis in the economy is first and foremost a crisis in our interrelations.
The function of man is egoistic—aiming to maximize profit for self. In a reality of scarcity, that function creates an inherent conflict between people, manifesting in competition and a zero-sum game where one’s gain is necessarily another’s loss.
There is interdependence among us in the global-integral world into which humanity has evolved. This is why the egoistic connections among us have stopped functioning. That gap between our egoism and our interconnectedness is the reason for the crisis.
The laws of the global-integral world compel us to connect in mutual guarantee and act as cells in a single organism for the benefit of the entire populace.
When mutual guarantee and social solidarity are the basis of a new economic paradigm—a balanced and functional economy—as dictated by the laws of the global-integral world, we will achieve a life of comfort, personal and social prosperity, and a harmonious and sustainable system.
Providing information and education, and creating a supportive environment are necessary for us to connect in mutual guarantee.