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Is mutual guarantee a practical solution to the social and economic problems in the world?

Key Points

  • Monetary and fiscal attempts of unprecedented scope over the last few years have not driven the global economy out of its deep crisis.

  • The current economic crisis is not only a natural extension of the crisis of 2008, but is bigger and more threatening than the former. This is due to our focusing on (and improperly treating) the symptoms, instead of diagnosing and treating the root of the crisis.

  • Traditional economic solutions are based on principles incongruent with the new economy required to succeed in the global-integral world with its resulting interdependence.

  • The only practical solution to the crisis is to shift our relationships into those of mutual guarantee (where all are guarantors of each other’s well-being) as a basis for a balanced, functioning, and sustainable economy.

  • Facilitating a supportive environment through educating and providing information are necessary so we can connect in mutual guarantee.

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