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Quiz to “The Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

1. What is the substance (“Homer”) of which the Creation is made? (§ 1)

2. What is the meaning of the light and the vessel described in the ten Sefirot? (§ 2)

3. Why are the ten Sefirot called only the four Behinot HuB TuM; where does the number 10 come from? (§ 3)

4. What is the reason for dividing each creation into ten Sefirot? (§ 5)

5. What is the difference between the worlds of ABYA? (§§ 6, 7, 8 and 9)

6. Why is the world of Atzilut considered as referring only to the Creator? (§ 6)

7. How was the soul (Neshama) separated from the Creator? (§ 7)

8. What is a “Zivug de Haka’a” of the Upper Light with a screen? (§ 14)

9. How did new vessels referring to the 'desire to bestow' emerge? (§ 15)

10. Why is the Aviut inherent in the 'desire to receive' also present in the new vessels? (§ 18)

11. Why are the Partzufim positioned one under the other after their emergence? (§ 22)

12. Why are the vessels KaHaB TuM positioned in a descending order? (§ 24)

13. Why are the lights called NaRaNHaY in a descending order? (§ 24)

14. Why is there an inverse relation between the lights and the vessels? (§ 25)

15. What is the difference between the Rosh and the Guf of the Partzuf? (§ 26)

16. How did five Partzufim of the world of AK (the Rosh and the Guf) emerge one under the other? (§ 27, 28)

17. Why did the world of AK turn into a thin line and fail to fill the entire Universe? (§ 31)

18. Why did the luminescence of AK stop above the point of our world? (§ 31)

19. What is the quantitative correlation between the Surrounding Light and the Inner Light in the world AK? (§ 32)

20. How and where is the Surrounding Light of AK manifested? (§ 32)

21. Why are the Surrounding and the Inner Lights connected with one another in one vessel? (§ 33)

22. What is the Impact between the Surrounding Light and the Inner Light? (§ 34)

23. How does the screen with the Reshimot de Guf rise to the Peh de Rosh? (§ 38)

24. What is the reason for the formation of the lower Partzuf out of Peh of the upper? (§ 39)

25. Why is each lower Partzuf smaller by one level (Behina) than the upper? (§ 40)

26. Why is the lower Partzuf separated from the upper and considered its “consequence”, “son”? (§ 40)

27. What are the Reshimo de Hitlabshut and the Reshimo de Aviut? (§§ 42, 43)

28. Why are there two levels in the Rosh of all the Partzufim – the Zachar and the Nekeva? (§ 43)

29. Why is the level of the Partzuf determined by the level of Nekeva and not Zachar? (§ 44)

30. What are Ta’amim, Nekudot, Tagin, and Otiot? (§§48, 49)

31. Why are the level of Ta’amim mercy (Rachamim) and the level of Nekudot – judgment (Din)? (§ 48)

32. Why is every Partzuf divided into Rosh,Toch and Sof and each of these parts – into ten Sefirot? (§ 50)

33. Why does each lower Partzuf dress onto the upper from the Chazeh and below? (§ 53)

34. What is the difference between TA and TB? (§ 58)

35. Why could not the worlds exist according to the laws of TA? (§ 57)

36. What is the principle benefit of TB? (§§ 57, 58)

37. What is Tzimtzum NHY de AK and what was the reason for it? (§ 60)

38. Why didn’t the world of the Nikudim dress onto the Partzuf SAG above the Tabur? (§ 62)

39. What is the essence of the Parsa located under the world of Atzilut? (§ 67)

40. How did three places for the worlds of the BYA emerge? (§ 67)

41. Why are there Katnut and Gadlut in each Partzuf? (§ 71)

42. Why didn’t the Partzufim de AK have Katnut and Gadlut? (§§70, 71)

43. Why did the Zachar and the Nekeva(Dechar ve Nukva) appear in the Gar de Nikudim, i.e., in Keter and the AVI? (§ 74)

44. Why does not the Keter de Nikudim spread to the Zat? (§ 74)

45. Why did each level in the world of the Nikudim split into two parts? (§76)

46. What led to the emergence of “the Panim” and “the Achoraim” in the world of the Nikudim? (§ 76)

47. Why are the Achoraim of the upper Partzuf inside the Panim of the lower? (§ 77)

48. What is the reason for the raising of MAN? (§ 80)

49. Why did the Mochin de Gadlut emerge? (§ 84)

50. What is the light raised by the AHP of the vessels and the Gar of the lights? (§ 84)

51. What are the ascent of Malchut to the Nikvey Eynaim and the descent of the AHP? (§ 85)

52. What is the difference between the names of the Sefirot GE, AHP and KaHaB TuM? (§ 85)

53. Why do Hesed, Gvura and the upper third of Tifferet refer to the Kelim de Panim? (§ 85)

54. Why do the lower two thirds of Tifferet and the NHYM refer to the Kelim de Achoraim? (§85)

55. What are the lights Holam, Shuruk and Hirik? (§ 89)

56. Why does the point of the Hirik get broken as it emerges in the world of the Nikudim? (§ 90)

57. Why is the Hirik under the letters (Otiot)? (§ 91)

58. How did the Zat raise MAN to the Gar de Nikudim? (§§ 93, 94, 95)

59. What is the Sefira Da’at, which first appears in the world of the Nikudim? (§ 98)

60. Why does not the Sefira Da’at become the 11th Sefira? (§ 100)

61. What is the level of the Partzuf Ta’amim de Rosh and the Guf in the world of Nikudim? (§ 104)

62. What is the level of the Partzufim Nekudot de Rosh and the Guf in the world of Nikudim? (§ 104)

63. What is Melech haDa’at in the world of Nikudim and what is its level? (§ 107)

64. What is the reason for the breaking of the vessels? (§ 105)

65. Why is Gadlut in the world of Nikudim only an addition? (§ 72)

66. What are the names of the levels AVI and YESHSUT in the world of Nikudim? (§§ 110, 111)

67. What is the difference between MA de Nikudim from MA Hadash (in Atzilut)? (§ 113)

68. What is the difference between the Partzuf and the world? (§§ 115, 116)

69. What are the first and second Ibur? (§§ 121, 122)

70. What are Ibur, Yenika, and Gadlut? (§§ 121, 122)

71. How did five levels of the world of Atzilut emerge one under the other? (§§ 122-129)

72. What is the order of superposition (“dressing”) of the five Partzufim de Atzilut one on the other? (§ 122-129)

73. What are MA and BON in each Partzuf de Atzilut? (§ 129, 133)

74. What are the two kinds of Gadlut that can exist in the world of Atzilut? (§ 134, 135)

75. What is the difference between supplementation to 10 Sefirot of the lower Partzuf at the expense of AHP of the upper and the use of its own AHP for that purpose? (§ 135-138)

76. What kind of supplementation to10 Sefirot do the 5 permanent Partzufim de Atzilut use for reaching Gadlut? (§ 138)

77. What is the size of the Gufim de AK and the Gufim de Atzilut? (§ 139)

78. Why do the worlds supplement their 10 Sefirot with the help of AHP de Aliyah (§§ 142, 143)

79. What are the seven basic peculiarities of the worlds of BYA? (§§ 144, 154)

80. Why do the worlds ascend when the souls of the Tzadikim receive the Mochin? (§§ 161, 162)

81. What is the order of the three ascents at that time? (§§ 163-176)

82. How do the five Partzufim de Atzilut dress onto the 5 Partzufim de AK during each of these ascents? (§§ 163-176)

83. What are the four fillings of the Name HaVaYaH: AB, SAG, MA and BON? (§ 181)

84. What are the four parts of the Partzuf? (§ 180)

85. What is the meaning of terms: “Peh”, “Chazeh”, “Tabur” and “Sium Raglin” (§ 181)

86. What is the reason for the division of the Partzuf into Keter and ABYA? (§ 180-185)

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