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The Place for the Four Worlds ABYA, and the Parsa between Atzilut and BYA

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65) Thus we have learned that Tzimtzum Bet occurred only in Partzuf Nekudot de SAG, positioned from Tabur de AK downwards, through its Sium Raglin, that is, above the point of this world. Know that all the changes that followed the second restriction came only in that Partzuf Nekudot de SAG, and not Above it.

When we said that Above, that through Malchut’s ascent to half of Tifferet de AK, where she ended the Partzuf, the lower half of Tifferet and NHYM de AK came out in the form of empty space, this did not occur in TNHY de AK itself, but only in TNHY of Partzuf Nekudot de SAG de AK. Yet, these changes are considered a mere raising of MAN in AK itself. In other words, it clothed in these changes to emanate the ten Sefirot de Nekudim themselves, though no change was prompted in AK itself.

66) And as soon as the Tzimtzum occurred, during the ascent of Malchut to Bina, even before the raising of MAN and the Zivug that was made at the Nikvey Eynaim de AK, it caused Partzuf Nekudot de SAG de AK to divide into four divisions:

  1. KHB HGT up to its Chazeh are considered the place of Atzilut;

  2. The two lower thirds of Tifferet, from the Chazeh down to the Sium of Tifferet became the place of the world of Beria;

  3. Its three Sefirot, NHY, became the place of the world of Yetzira;

  4. The Malchut in it became the place of the world of Assiya.

67) The reason for it is that the place of the world of Atzilut means the place worthy of the expansion of the Upper Light. And because of the ascension of the ending Malchut to the place of Bina de Guf, called Tifferet, the Partzuf ends there and the Light cannot traverse from there downwards. Thus, the place of Atzilut ends there, at half the Tifferet, on the Chazeh.

And you already know that this new Sium, made here, is called “the Parsa below the world of Atzilut.” And there are three divisions in the Sefirot below the Parsa. This is because indeed, only two Sefirot, ZON de Guf, called NHYM, needed to emerge below the Atzilut. This is so because since the Sium was made at the Bina de Guf, which is Tifferet, only the ZON below Tifferet are below the Sium, and not Tifferet, although half of the lower Tifferet went out to below the Sium, as well.

The reason is that Bina de Guf consists of the ten Sefirot KHB ZON, too. And since these ZON de Bina are the roots of the inclusive ZON de Guf, which were included in Bina, they are considered like them. Hence, ZON de Bina came out below the Parsa de Atzilut, as well, along with the inclusive ZON. For this reason, the Sefira Tifferet was cracked across it at the place of the Chazeh, since the Malchut that rose to Bina is standing there and brings out the ZON de Bina, that is, the two thirds of Tifferet from the Chazeh down to its Sium.

Yet, there is still a difference between the two thirds of Tifferet and the NHYM, since the two thirds of Tifferet truly belong to the Bina de Guf and never emerged below the Sium de Atzilut because of themselves, but only because they are the roots of ZON. Hence, their flaw is not so great, since they did not come out because of themselves. Thus, they have become separated from the NHYM and became a world in and of themselves, called “the world of Beria.”

68) ZON de Guf, too, called NHYM, are divided into two discernments: since Malchut is considered Nukva (female), her flaw is greater, and she becomes the place of the world of Assiya. ZA, who is NHY, became the world of Yetzira, above the world of Assiya.

Thus we have explained how Partzuf Nekudot de SAG was divided by Tzimtzum Bet and became the place of four worlds: Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya. KHB HGT, down to its Chazeh, became the place of the world of Atzilut. The lower half of Tifferet, from the Chazeh to the Sium of Tifferet, became the place of the world of Beria, the NHY in it—the world of Yetzira and its Malchut—the world of Assiya. Their place begins from the point of Tabur de AK and ends above the point of this world, that is, through the Sium Raglin de AK, which is the end of the clothing of Partzuf Nekudot de SAG over Partzuf Galgalta de AK.

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