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I. The Seeds of the Crisis. Chapter 2: Lessons from the Cradle of Civilization

Lessons from the Cradle of Civilization

Today, as I reflect on the state of the world, my adventure on Mt. Rainier often comes to mind. In more ways than one, it can be seen as a strong parallel to our current situation.

When we look at the present state of humanity, it may seem quite grim, with a doubtful prognosis for success. But just as my friend and I were able to unite and emerge from the woods triumphant, we can be positive about the future of humanity. To guarantee our success, all we need is to unite and collaborate...

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Wisdom in the Tent

Abraham, the inquisitive, thoughtful priest, was astonished to discover that the world runs on desires—two desires, to be exact: to give and to receive. He found that to create the world, these desires form a system of rules so profound and comprehensive that today we can only consider it a science. At the time, the term “science” did not exist, but Abraham had no need for a definition. Instead, he sought to explore these new rules and learn how they might help the people he loved...

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