Rashbi and the Group that Authored The Zohar

We would never have the power to strip the Torah of its clothing, were it not for Rashbi and his friends.

Ramak, Know the God of Thy Father, 16


And Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai would reveal the secrets of the Torah, and his friends listened to his voice, joining him in this composition, each answering his part… And here, Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai instructed Rabbi Abba to be the writer and organizer of all the words that the sages, students of the seminary would say.

The Ramchal,
Adir BaMarom [The Mighty One on High], 24


The Rashbi composed The Book of Zohar according to the illumination that came to him while he was corrected in the cave ... It is a great and terrible composition, which reveals the depth of the secrets of the Torah itself with great clarity, and this is called “The revelation of the internality of the Torah.”

The Ramchal,
Adir BaMarom [The Mighty One on High], 24


Only during the days of Rashbi, after 13 years of being in the cave, the gates of wisdom opened upon him, to shine for all of Israel through the end of days.

The Ramchal, Adir BaMarom [The Mighty One on High], 13 duction, 1982

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