Daily Kabbalah Tip
Advice in the daily Kabbalah lesson is recommended, practical tasks for advancing spiritually
Awaken Brothers with a Happy Heart
If you were given a bad feeling, it's a sign that you can transform it into good.
When I am sick, when I have a bad feeling, whether I want to or not, I condemn the Creator and don't want to be in this situation. If a person feels that that he is not 100% satisfied with something to that extent he is wicked, distanced from the Creator, and in the opposite direction from the goal. By suffering, one advances only toward death, not to the Creator.
It's a great Mitzva (precept, commandment) to be happy since a righteous person rises above things and is happy. He justifies the Creator on top of everything there is. You can't justify the Creator from sadness since you are the desire to receive. In order to justify and praise the Creator, you must be filled with goodness, and then you have no choice but to praise Him.
We need to worry about what is happening within our Kelim (vessels, desires). It is very important not to feel bad and not to take some drug that causes you not to feel anything, but to try to transform the bad feeling you are given into good. If you are given a bad feeling, it's a sign that you are able to transform it into good.
- from the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/06/10 (minutes 72-76)