Daily Kabbalah Tip
Advice in the daily Kabbalah lesson is recommended, practical tasks for advancing spiritually
The Attribute Of Bestowal
A person needs to be in constant clarification concerning the deficiency for bestowal.
All the obstacles are given to us in order to sharpen our distinction of what the attribute of bestowal is; that is, how should one want it, in what way to refer to it, and how to refer to the entire world, the studies, the Creator, and those same factors that through uniting them, I build deficiency for bestowal, deficiency for faith.
A person needs to be in constant clarification in order to clarify the deficiency for bestowal. He awakens with it, studies with it, lives with it, and this is his only worry in life; that is, either I am in bestowal for the sake of bestowal or reception for the sake of bestowal. I always need to worry about increasing the attribute of bestowal in me, either by restriction of the desire to receive, which is bestowal for the sake of bestowal or by using the desire to receive. To constantly worry about the attribute of bestowal. This is what we should worry about, aspire to, and anticipate.
-from the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/11/10 (minutes 26-30)