Daily Kabbalah Lesson

Daily Kabbalah Bites - 14-05-10

The most outstanding Q & A, excerpts, examples, illustrations, definitions, and advice from the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

Daily Kabbalah Definition

Definitions in the daily Kabbalah lesson guide a precise, spiritual approach to terms, & disqualify materialized corporeal definitions


Light, His Essence  

What is the meaning of the concepts, "Light," and "His Essence."

The meaning of "Light" is the impressions of the Kelim (vessels, desires) when something influences them.  All of the lights are entirely filling the Kelim,  the impressions made on our material, which is the desire to receive. We are never able to feel what the Light is, external to our Kli. This is already called "His essence," for which we have no attainment and don't even know if it exists or not.  According to our simple mind, we want to say that there is something ancient to this feeling of ours, to the phenomenon in us, and thus we call it " His essence'," something that is found in itself, outside of us, and is not obtained.


-from the 1st part of the daily Kabbalah lesson (minutes 26-29)


Daily Kabbalah Bites

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