Daily Kabbalah Lesson

Daily Kabbalah Bites - 14-10-10

The most outstanding Q & A, excerpts, examples, illustrations, definitions, and advice from the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

Daily Kabbalah Tip

Advice in the daily Kabbalah lesson is recommended, practical tasks for advancing spiritually


Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)   

We need to clarify what Arvut is and what we need it for

During the Convention we need constantly to be involved with the meaning of the word "Arvut." Who guarantees who?  What it is for? What does Arvut give me? How much do I need it?  What do I need to give and what do others need to give?

"Arvut" is a profound word, frightening and committing. It is the Kli in which all is revealed.  According to the measure of Arvut that we attain, we pass from darkness into Light, from this world to the discovery of a spiritual world. It all depends on Arvut.

Thus we should interpret the word arvut with increased correctness, to clarify the content of the word so that it will be as close to us as possible to our worries, fears, and expectations.


- from the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/14/10 (minutes 46-47)


Daily Kabbalah Bites

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