Daily Kabbalah Tip
Advice in the daily Kabbalah lesson is recommended, practical tasks for advancing spiritually
Egoistic Dissemination
Dissemination will bring a person to a good place.
I am not sure that making an intention before you speak is essential when you speak to people who are not studying the wisdom of Kabbalah. If you are passing on the material to others, you bring them closer, but to them it isn't important with what your intention is. They advance in the directions of those same ideas and this is what causes them to become closer. Actually their becoming closer works on you in return and in the correct manner, despite your egoistic intentions. The learner is full of ‘'for His sake,'' has exertion ‘'for His sake." The instructor is ‘'not for His sake,'' and with no exertion ‘'for His sake.'' The main thing is that the material that you are passing on is correct. Your inner thought of clarifying if you have the correct intention is completely enough. Dissemination with all the intentions will bring a person, in the end, to a good place.
- from the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/18/10 (minutes 47-49)