Daily Kabbalah Tip
Advice in the daily Kabbalah lesson is recommended, practical tasks for advancing spiritually
What is the meaning of "head" in spirituality?
The meaning of "head" is the intentions, the attributes, the future that a person sees within his desire, within his "gut."
In spirituality there is no head by itself, but the same deficiencies of my body that I ask myself what to do with, how to process, where to bring them, what will happen with my desires, those same thoughts that come from these uncertain desires of mine, are called my "head."
This is to say the head grew from the body and changes according to what I decide to do with my desires. First of all, there are desires, deficiencies, and as a result, comes wisdom, comes head, comes thoughts, as it is written: "Thought is the outcome of desire."
-from the 3rd part of the daily Kabbalah lesson (minutes 17-23)
Intention to Change Reality
Keeping the right intention during the study can change reality.
One should determine for himself that he has no more concern during the study other than intention. Everyone should determine for himself that intention is the most important thing. Only intention can change fate. The intention is the only thing a person can influence, and the effort invested in keeping that intention during the study can change reality.
-from the 1st part of the daily Kabbalah lesson (minutes 51-54)