Daily Kabbalah Lesson

Daily Kabbalah Bites - 24-04-11

The most outstanding Q & A, excerpts, examples, illustrations, definitions, and advice from the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

Daily Kabbalah Definition

Definitions in the daily Kabbalah lesson guide a precise, spiritual approach to terms, & disqualify materialized corporeal definitions


Disconnected or Connected

To be connected or disconnected is to be in the spiritual world or in this world.

The spiritual Kli (vessel) is, as if, here and now, but it is beyond the Machsom (barrier). To be disconnected or to be connected is to be in this world or in the spiritual world. We can only be sorry that we don't know what we are missing.


 - from the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 04/24/11, "The Arvut" (minutes 0-1)


Daily Kabbalah Bites

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