Daily Kabbalah Definition
Definitions in the daily Kabbalah lesson guide a precise, spiritual approach to terms, & disqualify materialized corporeal definitions
Shechina - Divinity
What is the place that is called "Shechina"?
The "Shechina" is called the place that needs to be corrected in our desire to receive and in our intention for the sake of bestowal. We need to work on both of them.
First of all, there needs to be the desire to receive, a big desire to reveal the Creator, an egotistic desire, the left line, and shells. (These big desires are not in us and this is a big problem as well.) Afterward, when one begins to study, read, and invite the Light that Reforms through the environment, then one begins to understand that revelation can only be according to similarity of form, only according to the intention for the sake of bestowal, which is the only thing that can help us match ourselves to the revelation of the Creator.
Here we are already talking about correction. First of all there must be something to correct and then one needs to come for correction.
- from the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/27/10 (minutes 23-32)