Happy New Year, Happy New Beginning!
All our corporeal properties are related to the animate level of existence, but we have to build a human within ourselves, which means to become "similar to the Creator"(Adam) and exist in bestowal. Bestowal, however, can be realized only in the group, in love of friends, in order to attain the Creator. Through our relationships, we create a desire similar to the Creator: the place where the Creator is revealed.
Hence, all the personal qualities and capacities that are embodied by our corporeal form don't have any relation to spirituality. In regard to spirituality, I work solely with the point in the heart and should disregard the rest of my "earthly" properties. I cannot succeed in my quest for the Creator through them for they are secondary, and I strive to work "above them," always preferring bestowal to reception, "faith above reason."
The essence is the point in the heart. I must connect it with the others, with the friends. So, now I have to make the correct decision and determine that I want to reach success not in the material world, but in the unity of the points in the heart. It is the place where the Creator will be revealed as soon as it becomes similar to the Creator in the very least.
I have to constantly ponder this question. Only this determines how successful my spiritual advancement is.
Hence, this point is regarded as the Beginning of Change (Rosh Hashanah). It is the decision which should always signify a new beginning.
As a matter of fact, the line of trajectory we are moving by consists of multiple points. A spiritual path is a sequence of dots, and each of them has a "nip," a "gap" in motion between the previous and the following points. Thus they create a single spiritual trajectory line.
In order to continue moving along with the others, in the same direction, in each point of the trajectory, I have to be totally opposite to the previous and the future states of existence. Only then can we adhere to this line of trajectory.
Therefore, in each point, at each moment of my life, I must make up my mind for the Beginning of Change within me.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/9/10, "Rosh Hashanah"