Daily Kabbalah Lesson

The Daily Page - 10-05-11

The Daily Page is a collection of excerpts taken from the daily Kabbalah lesson with Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

There’s a Place for Everything


Even in the material world we don't have any opportunity to become a nation living in our own country, on our own land unless we first correct ourselves spiritually. Only the forces descending from Above build the material conditions for us here.

In general, we must try to understand to the best of our ability what the material world is. It is not a goal, but the smallest, most external means to start ascending. In this extremely flawed material reality that is lying on the lowest level, we must start carrying out the work of unification in order to enter the spiritual world.

After that we will turn to all the other nations and show them this work so they would also unite with each other. As a result, all of us, the whole world will become one single whole, one family, and will then ascend to its spiritual level. That is the only way we will realize our predestination, the purpose for which we exist.

We have to give everything its proper importance: our world compared to the spiritual world, the material nation of Israel compared to its spiritual analogue, the material state of Israel compared to the spiritual land of Israel. Everything has to have its own place according to the final goal. Precisely this determines an object's importance and the means to use it.


From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 05/10/11, "Inheritance of the Land"


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