The Correct Effort In Studying The Zohar
All of our concentration, our entire search is always inward. In fact it happens unconsciously, even when we use slang, we say: "This person is scatterbrained, whereas that one is more of an extrovert, more of an introvert, more focused" and so on. That is because we feel that this is how it works in nature.
Every one of us must search inside of himself the innermost state. We will never be able to identify a more exalted state than the inner state that is in close proximity to us. I can imagine, fantasize about the World of Ein Sof (Infinity), but eventually I will discover that this is the adjacent state, slightly higher than my current state.
Therefore, all the strengths that I gather and all of my efforts should focus on finding the vessels and the discernments which stand compared to every word that is written here: "city," "tower," "ascending," "descending," "angels," "demons," "spirits," "sons of Ephraim," "Ezekiel," "the Creator who descends to see what the people have done."
Those things exist within me, the Elyon (Upper One) presents this book before me, He tells me only about the things that are appropriate for me, similarly to the way that adults tell a baby about the world. And we will not be able to hear and see more than that here, even though there is much more in this book than what we see right now.
It can be said that we are in the hands of a great expert in education, who knows how to present to us only what is good for us and no more. Therefore we must make all efforts to locate inside of us the discernments that exist in the text. And then we will ascend to those discernments, identify them, live with them like a baby who grew in a day or two, and perhaps even within a week or a month we will already be found in a different level. He already understands, is somewhat familiar with things, discovers deeper things, more inner, which he did not see and did not identify previously.
This is how we are; In this text we will reveal new discernments, new connections, because everything is in relation to the Kabbalists. This is our whole work. Nonetheless, this process will lead us to discover that the entire world is internal, and therefore in the friends' influence on us, the common thought with regards to reaching and revealing this internality should be expressed as well. When we reveal that internality, we discover that we are there together, that all of us are assembling this picture. Each and every one discovers everyone there, inside. At one point, all those forces, all the qualities, all the discernments, will accumulate together, and there will not be any collision between them. This is the work. Therefore, it does not matter how much we understand, but rather the effort is important.