Let’s Ascend Together And Never Fall Back Down!
Today there will be a Unity Evening in Beer Sheva, Israel; with every meeting such as this we ascend one step higher. Even if the event is not very big in size, it always adds to the previous one.
We do not feel how our efforts accumulate, but the same thing happens in our earthly development when we have to carry out many actions in order to make a visible growth spurt. It's just like the escape from Egypt: It happens unexpectedly, hurriedly, and in darkness.
That is why today's event is so important. Without a doubt every subsequent event is deeper since it is supported by all the previous states. Therefore, it ascends higher than all of them. If we unite all of our previous states together, then every subsequent state will be bigger than the rest and it doesn't matter if we feel it or not. The action is not evaluated according to our sensation.
Let's hope that we are already sufficiently prepared so that after the event we will be able to overcome the descent like an old man who walks hunched over, always checking in advance to see if he has dropped something.
In the same way, we now have to decide that we are ascending and never falling again! "One only ascends in spirituality and never descends." We have to be ready to overcome all of the weakness that will be revealed to us after the meeting and unity, and the way to do so is by faith above reason. Let's strengthen our connection so that afterwards we will feel the same state of unity as during the meeting.
The state we attain at the meeting should not disappear! We will inevitably feel empty because we will ascend to a certain state of unity and afterwards we will part and fall even lower than before. Now the only question is: What am I doing with this descent? The most important and valuable thing is the negative addition we receive because with its help we are able to ascend slightly higher.
This addition of egoism gives us an opportunity to ascend above it by "faith"-the quality of bestowal, which is above knowledge and sensation. The force to overcome the descent comes from Above if we ask for it together.
Only the "Stimulator" system can help us accomplish this because there we continue our unity following the Unity Evening in order to express ourselves there as much as possible.
With every meeting we will accumulate more and more drops of unity until "Penny by penny we will collect a great capital." We don't know how much we have collected there until it suddenly reaches the necessary sum in order to "pay" for the entrance into the Upper World. This always happens unexpectedly and hurriedly, like the exodus from Egypt. We cannot know about it ahead of time.
-from the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/18/10