Daily Kabbalah Lesson

The Daily Page - 21-09-10

The Daily Page is a collection of excerpts taken from the daily Kabbalah lesson with Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

Joy Is a Sign of Bestowal


Question: Why does one have to be joyous on Sukkot?

Dr. Laitman's Answer: Joy is a sign of agreeing with the Creator to acquire His properties. I (the soul) obtain the properties of bestowal, the Light of Hassadim (Mercy), under the influence of Ohr Makif (the Surrouding Light) that "comes to me through the roofing of a tabernacle" thanks to the screen which I built from the "threshing-floor and winepress."

On a threshing-floor, grain (the Light of Hassadim) is procured, and the husk remains. Wine is made in a winepress, and oil cake is left. Yet, from the waste that has no value to my egoism, I build the most precious thing in my life: the screen. That is, I raise the importance of the property of bestowal over reception particularly in these two Lights or forces of nature: Hassadim (Mercy) and Hochma (Wisdom).

I change the intention on the desire of these two Lights (fillings) from receiving to bestowing. I see value in "waste from the threshing-floor and winepress," rise above my egoism, my evil, and prefer to exist in filling the desires of others instead of mine. I do so to subsequently reveal the Creator.

Joy signifies that I'm in the state of bestowal. It is the outcome of my completely merging with the Creator and justifying all of His actions.


From the 4th part of Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/21/10, Shamati #96


Come Out of Your Sturdy Home and Dwell in a Booth


Before the holiday of the New Year (Rosh Hashanah), during the period of repentance (Selichot), we clarify all of our egoistic desire determined as evil. Then we cut it off from the past year and wish to rise to the next year, to new changes (Rosh Hashanah).

We also realize that we are unable to do anything with ourselves; this state is called the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). We decide that there is one solution: to increase the importance of the quality of bestowal, which is despised by us within our egoism. We decide to raise the importance of spirituality, to not engage in our egoistic desires, and to increase the desire for bestowal. This symbolizes the holiday of Sukkot.

Take the desire for bestowal, which seems unimportant, as "waste" to you today, and elevate it according to your assessment of its importance. Do not engage in your egoistic, receptive desires, but come out into a "temporary dwelling," into the desire to bestow.

You need to come out of your familiar egoistic "home" and build a new structure so that its most important detail, the roof, will be the quality of bestowal. This shows to what extent you can equalize to the Light that is situated above the roof of the Sukkah. It will shine for you to the extent that you will be able to accept it. This is the meaning of the holiday of Sukkot.


From the 4th part of Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/21/10, Shamati #96


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