Daily Kabbalah Lesson

The Daily Page - 22-03-10

The Daily Page is a collection of excerpts taken from the daily Kabbalah lesson with Dr. Michael Laitman and Bnei Baruch

Why Did The Marxist Theory Fail?


A question I received: Baal HaSulam writes about things that humanity went through a long time ago: socialism and communism. Aren't these things ancient history now, and we shouldn't want to go back to them?

My Answer: Our entire reality takes place inside our egoistic desire, which develops and undergoes different stages as it gradually grows under the influence of the Upper Light. This is also why the desire invents various theories regarding what kind of relationships are more beneficial for it to have with its nature and with human society. It is according to this that its attitude to socialism, Marxism, and all other periods changes.

This is not determined by how "developed" or "undeveloped" we are, but only by the Upper Light's influence upon us. It leads us through various social structures in order to develop our egoism. Therefore, we have to understand the way by which the Upper Light leads us through all the socio-economic formations because then we will understand what Baal HaSulam writes about in the newspaper, "The Nation," and this will also help us to understand the things happening to us today.

Baal HaSulam thinks that Marx reached an awareness of the process of correction by the Upper Force, but supposed that people will reveal their spiritual birth, which is inherent in nature, on their own, through practice. However, Baal HaSulam ascertained that this theory can only be applied in a developed society, rather than Russia, which was socially and politically retrograde.


What Kind Of Society Did Baal HaSulam Write About?


A question I received: What kind of "just" social framework does Baal HaSulam write about in the article, "The Nation"? Is he really concerned with organizing a more comfortable, well-fed life within the boundaries of this world? How can this be the concern of a Kabbalist who knows that everything is governed by the Upper Force, and we are temporarily placed within this world only in order to correct our soul?

My Answer: Despite what you say, Baal HaSulam also knew that people will reach a point in their development when they would reveal that they lack the Upper Force to correct their relationships. Then they will need the science of Kabbalah because only the Upper Light can correct the relationships between people. There cannot be a good relationship between people unless they are connected by the Creator. Only through Him can people unite with one another. In other words, life itself will force people to reveal the path and forces of correction.

Two people can never be connected with one another directly, but only through the quality of bestowal, which is called the Creator. Baal HaSulam understood this very well since he possessed the highest spiritual attainment. However, in order to bring the regular reader closer to this, he starts his explanation from afar. When a person understands what kind of unity and connection we have to attain according to nature's plan, and that this is inevitable, the only thing remaining for him to do will be to reveal the means of implementing the correction: the Upper Light that Reforms.

Of course, Baal HaSulam did not think of socialism or communism as a goal in and of itself, in order to create a well-fed life for the average person in this world. Rather, he had great understanding and personal attainment of the goal of creation.


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