To be happy, do we need to suppress or fulfill our desires? Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, in an interview with European MTV host Eden Harel, describes the method of increasing our ego so that it expands to contain the entire universe, and not just our small world of desires for money, honor, power, pride and (limited) knowledge.
Eden Harel: So what you’re saying is not to be content with a little.
Rav Michael Laitman, PhD: It's not that I say. I’m saying that it’s impossible to settle for less.
Eden Harel: Of course, life’s much stronger than that. That's true, but you're saying that one should actually give power to the material.
Rav Laitman: I’d put it like this: all material that has been
created, has been created only for our benefit, and we have to fulfill
it and use it correctly. We will then attain the whole of reality, we
will attain Godliness, and this is our goal—not to remain small so
that: I’m happy with what I have and that's all I need.
It’s actually the opposite. What does a person achieve if he …
Eden Harel: So, if I set myself a goal: okay, I want material, I want a house.
Rav Laitman: Not necessarily material. I'm not saying material.
Eden Harel: Pleasures in general.
Rav Laitman: No. Meaning, that the system is different, we’ll
see. The system’s like this: we need to deal with the search for the
greatest thing in our life.
Eden Harel: Okay, happiness?
Rav Laitman: Happiness. It doesn't matter—yes, to be happy, to be fulfilled.
Eden Harel: Yes.
Rav Laitman: And not to be satisfied with something in between.
Eden Harel: I agree. Without stopping in the middle, all the way.
Rav Laitman: If this is what we follow, then we will see that
this direction is indeed that of the revelation of Godliness, Godliness
being the great force, the great filling, eternal and whole, above this
world, above all the deficiencies, and certainly above the pain and all
the imperfection that we have here.
If so, it’s not that I pursue all kinds of lusts in this world. On the
contrary, I don't leave them. The wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t tell you
to enter a monastery, excuse me for saying, and all kinds of
diets—internal, spiritual diets, mental diets. The wisdom of Kabbalah
tells you that you need to start discovering spirituality and this
revelation will embrace you, it will fill you to such an extent that
everything you have in this world will work out by itself.
You will see how much you will use whatever there is or whatever there
isn't, but it will also be natural, just as it is in this world where
we always prefer one thing to another. Meaning, not to suppress
anything and not to jump all over everything, but to follow pleasure
and revelation internally, with eternity and perfection as much as
Rav Michael Laitman, PhD talks about the difference between faith and knowledge.
Kabbalah, science and religion defined and differentiated
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