The law of equivalence of form operates to bring every part of Nature to a state of complete balance.
All of nature works on this law. That there is a constant pressure in
our environment and in every environment in the universe, and there is
a constant force to equalize the inner pressure with the outer pressure
and to come to a state of balance with it, so that we come to a state
of rest or comfort. And this is simply the law that is functioning all
the time.
You could think of Kabbalah as the physics of the spiritual world, and
so it points this out to us so that we can begin to perceive it and to
work with it. But this law functions in the natural universe as well,
and we can look at it through natural sciences. For instance,
astrophysicists tell us that the material universe was initiated by a
huge explosion, the Big Bang, and from that point forward, all action
within the universe is really a kind of an equalization of this force
until it will find a state that is motionless. So all forces in the
universe are working in such a way as to come into a balanced state.
Now, in our world, this law is observed strictly and we can see it on
different levels of life, the different levels that exist in our world.
For instance, in the inanimate level, we see that there is a movement
of forces: tectonic plates, or the motion of weather, wind and water,
constantly seeking a kind of a balanced state with each other. And we
see also the vegetative level obeys this law by absorbing things that
it needs from light, which is outside of itself, through a kind of
photo-electric process, chemical process, or the movement of minerals
through it, with a kind of an equalization of hydraulic forces that
will move it through its stem and through its leaves.
In the animate level—animals—you’ll see movement of animals to areas
where there is food and all of the appropriate things for their
survival. If external forces and conditions change, there is a constant
shifting so that they come into alignment with it.
But on the human level, we don’t keep this law of equivalence of form,
because we don’t live in an environment like the environment of the
inanimate, vegetative and animate level. These are already taken care
of, these things are already perfected, they already work according to
this law. And the human level, we are up against laws that we have no
sense of and we don’t know how to observe these laws.
So the human level, which is not the, sort of, intellectual and
physical human animal, but the part of creation itself that is supposed
to be connected to the Upper Forces, is not involved in the keeping of
these physical expressions of equivalence of form, but must learn how
to keep the law of equivalence of form in the spiritual world, which is
its environment.
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