scientists from the film WhatThe Bleep Do We Know!?,
Fred Alan Wolf, PhD, William Tiller, PhD, and Jeffrey Satinover, MD, met with Kabbalist Michael Laitman, PhD in the panel
discussion Quantum Physics Meets Kabbalah.
The discussion focused on how contemporary science is
gradually discovering that the answers to many hitherto unanswered questions
about reality are awaiting to be revealed to the world through this ancient
lively discussion was preceded and followed by private meetings that continued throughout the days following the panel meeting. Participants agreed to
collaborate further and discussed the possibility of a new movie, and lecture
circuit for the entire panel, joint research projects, and a book (which turned out being the book Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life, with input by Jeffrey Satinover, MD, available at Kabbalah Books).
Jeffrey Satinover, MD and Dr Laitman at Kabbalah Congress, 1
Dr Wolf and Jeffrey Satinover, MD
Prof Tiller and Dr Laitman
Jeffrey Satinover, MD and Dr Laitman, 2
Jeffrey Satinover. MD and Dr Laitman Saying Good Bye
Dr Wolf and Dr Laitman, 2
Jeffrey Satinover, MD and Dr Laitman at Kabbalah Congress, 3
Kabbalist Dr Michael Laitman, 2
Jeffrey Satinover, MD, Dr Wolf, and Dr Laitman
Dr Wolf and Dr Laitman, 1
Meeting in San Francisco, 2
Prof Tiller and Dr Laitman after Discussion
Kabbalist Dr Michael Laitman at Book Signing
Jeffrey Satinover, MD, 2
Jeffrey Satinover, MD
Dr Wolf and Dr Laitman at the End of the Conference
Jeffrey Satinover, MD and Dr Laitman at Kabbalah Congress, 2
Dr Laitman Explains Kabbalah to Dr Wolf
Prof Tiller at the Public Event
Dr Fred Alan Wolf
Kabbalist Dr Michael Laitman, 1
About the Panel Members
Fred Alan Wolf, PhD - Quantum Physics and Consciousness - author of The Yoga of Time Travel, Matter into Feeling: a new Alchemy Science and Spirit, and Mind into Matter.
Jeffery Satinover, M.D. - Author of seven books on Quantum Physics and Psychiatry including The Quantum Brain and Cracking the Bible Code.
William Tiller, PhD - Author of Conscious Acts of Creation, The Experience of a New Physics, and Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness.
Dr. Michael Laitman - Author of over thirty books on Kabbalah including Awakening to Kabbalah, Introduction to the Book of Zohar, and The Science of Kabbalah.