Heat Waves Are Becoming More Common and Intense – Why Is This Happening?
Indeed, this summer the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing record heat waves. July 2023 was the hottest month since we began temperature measurements, and there are also record temperatures in the…
Can You Tell Me Some Questions Which Will Help Me Introspect?
Do I have love for humanity? If it seems too far-fetched to have love for humanity from the beginning, then you could start with love for people in your own…
Do Natural Disasters Help Bring People Together?
We see people coming together and helping each other out more during crises. Nature sends such situations precisely in order for us to wake up to our connection, and to…
Why Is God Angry at Me?
There is no such thing as God getting angry at you. Some writings in the Torah could be misinterpreted that way because it speaks in the language of human beings,…
Is There Any Benefit to Introspection?
If we undergo an introspection that aims at bettering our connection to each other in an integral manner, then there is indeed great benefit to introspection. For instance, if we…
What Is the Function of Autistic People in the World?
The human soul is a diverse and multileveled phenomenon. I understand that there are autism classifications according to various external and internal signs, and the use of tests to determine…
What Defines Our Current Times?
We are in a new transitional era. Over the generations, the human ego—the desire to enjoy at the expense of others and nature—developed to a point where we can no…
How Can I Overcome Stress Quickly?
The best way to overcome stress is to deal with it in a group setting. When we are parts of a supportive and encouraging group that immediately starts discussing the…
The Passover Story’s Egypt, Pharaoh and Moses: What Are They Today?
There is an increasing understanding that we can no longer live our lives the way that we do, i.e., that our consumerist culture of overproducing and over-consuming is destroying our…
Dale Carnegie’s Quest for Happiness
Dale Carnegie was an American psychologist, speaker, and author. He made a significant impact on countless lives through his inspirational teachings and best-selling books. A staple in the realm of…