The coronavirus continues spreading around the globe. In less than three months, since the time of the local outbreak, it has turned into a global pandemic.
How can we stop it?
There are two aspects:
Developing a coronavirus vaccine and following the rules of personal hygiene and safe interaction.
Building a network of positive connections between us.
Israeli scientists are working on developing a coronavirus vaccine. Other than a vaccine, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, there is much more that Jews can do in order to protect the world from various blows.
The general force of nature, the force of love and bestowal, is continually developing us toward integrity. Today, human interactions are “infected” by negative attitudes toward each other, and as such, we face different kinds of problems and challenges, such as COVID-19.
In the origin of the Israeli nation, there is an ideological root, “love will cover all transgressions.” This means that Jews bear the method to connect above all differences between people, developed 3,800 years ago by Abraham in ancient Babylon.
Taking into consideration the current situation, today is the time for this method to be implemented.
Therefore, if Jews realize their role and connect according to the principle “love your neighbor as yourself,” showing humanity an example of unity, then through such an example, everyone will get a chance to match the integral system of nature and make the world immune to any viruses.
My new book, “The Jewish Choice: Unity or Anti-Semitism,” out now:
* Laitman Kabbalah Publishers
* Amazon