Kabbalah.info - Kabbalah Education and Research Institute

World Kabbalah Congress 23-25th of July, 2010

A unique event will take place on the 23-25th of July,  2010:
"Building A Spiritual Environment" - World Kabbalah Congress that will unite the whole world!

No space! Thousands of people will gather in 40 countries at the same time!

No time! People will gain the experience of the whole generation in a few minutes!

No differences! People will have an opportunity to perceive the power of unity!

When participating in the Congress, you discover that you have never been alone in the world. You can open up a possibility to be together. Feel us, who are so different, as united “Me”. Get the unity power of the world. Make the world better and kinder. See perfect mankind.

Please contact for registration >>


Congress Program:

   - Lectures  delivered by Professor of Ontology, director of International Kabbalah Academy , M. Laitman.

   - Lectures delivered by veteran lecturers of International Kabbalah Academy.

   - Uniting seminars and discussions.

   - Entertainment evenings  (stirring dances and songs, theatrical performances and interesting contests).

   - Kabbalistic feasts.

   - Developmental games for kids and adults.

Open up your heart and come to build a spiritual environment together in any part of the planet where friends await you!

Please contact for registration >>